What To Do With A Metal Building On Your Ranch

 If you drove past a ranch and saw a metal building somewhere on the property, what would you think it was being used for? it's not necessarily a question anyone other than the rancher in question would be interested in, but it does bring up another interesting query - is there a reason a metal building is being used in the first place?

Ranches tend to conjure up images of dusty ranch hands, troughs, and a big metal triangle used to let everyone within earshot know it's dinner time. Ranches also seem like places where wood would be particularly important save for the occasional use of barbed wire. Times have changed, though, and while ranches might still have rustic characteristics, today's ranches are modern enterprises.

The use of metal buildings in agricultural & rural environments goes back quite a long way. So, the idea of taking the old corrugated metal roofs we all know into more all-encompassing structures seems like a logical step forward. The durability of the steel used is solid, lifespan is measured in decades, and the ability to customize a metal building is pretty impressive. The latter is crucial in that not all ranches are the same. The needs of individual properties varies drastically, so a "cookie-cutter" option can seem out of place.

What To Do With A Metal Building On Your Ranch

As such, the modern ranch needs facilities that can handle the demands of a changing world & way of doing business. Some possible uses for metal buildings on ranches include:

Barn - It's hard not to think of a ranch without thinking about a barn. Your livestock & other animals need a place to keep them safe. If a full-fledged barn isn't necessary, a well-built loafing shed may be a better answer.

Storage - Keeping feed/hay to sustain your animals both clean & protected from degradation is most ranchers' top priority. Though no one wants to imagine a catastrophic situation, hay storage can occasionally lead to a fire. Having a separate area for hay other than a primary barn helps lesson the possible damage. A metal building also has the advantage of being fire resistant, making it less prone to full destruction.

Protection for Equipment - A casual look at average prices for ranch & farming machinery will knock the air out of you. Five & six figures is standard, even on the used market. Needless to say, when you lay down that kind of money for tools, you need to be sure it's protected. And not just from the elements. A metal building allows for customization with doors & other amenities to help create an ideal environment for such expensive gear.

Living Space - One surprising trend as of late has been the creation of living spaces via custom metal buildings. Working off of pre-fab/modular construction practices, these customized metal structures are being designed to become THE home. Everything from gutters, framed openings for doors & windows, front & back porch areas, and kitchen/dining spaces are part of the mix. Even more astounding is the protection against weather like winds over 100 mph and taking the weight of fairly significant snowfall.

The one detail most folks will likely need to hash out when designing a metal building is whether customization is needed. Manufacturers of these structures often provide a number of options for clients who think a standard metal building will suffice. That said, manufacturers are also able & willing to make any customized design come to life. Knowing which direction to go in (a standard or custom option) will depend on the property owner. However, the big x-factor in the whole design process is the manufacturing partner chosen for the job. Make the right call & you'll have a metal building that'll last decades. Otherwise, well, let's just say you want to bet on the right call.

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