Fertilizers And Their Several Types

 Fertilizers are one of the key ingredients used in agriculture. It is primarily used to compensate for the nutrients absent in plants and soil. The implementation of fertilizers enhances the fertility of soil and plants thereby, accelerating the growth of healthy crops. It is due to the benefits of them that they find huge takers all over the world. The biggest evidence of this can be seen from the constructive measures taken by governments all over the world to promote the usage of fertilizers. Ranging from the farmers to those taking up farming as a hobby, fertilizers are put to use by all.

Fertilizers to be specific are broadly classified to organic and inorganic ones. As is evident from the name organic fertilizers consist of natural ones like moss and cow dung which is often used as manure. On the other hand inorganic fertilizers are made of chemicals. Nitrogen, Phosphorous and Potassium are the core components found in every fertilizer. It is on the ratio of these elements present in the fertilizer that decides its area of usage. Taking this aspect into consideration all fertilizers are categorised under the headings of Nitrogenous Fertilizers, Phosphate Fertilizers and Potassium Fertilizers.

Fertilizers And Their Several Types

The practice of referring nitrogen in the first among the three components is fully justified as nitrogen is the first element which is needed by the plants during the stage of sowing. The reason of its need is the potential which it possesses, as it helps in areas like growth of leaves in the plant. There are many organic fertilzers such as oil cakes and inorganic fertilizers like sodium nitrate which provide nitrogen supplement to the plants. With phosphorous, bone meal and superphosphate are important sources. Superphosphate is an inorganic fertilizer found in multiple grades of three. Basically it is used during the plantation stage as its area of action lies in the roots of the plants, making it strong in nature. The last one potassium, involves selective use as it is not applicable for all types of soil except those experiencing dearth in potassium. With its selective use they are found to be mainly good for vegetables like potato which have the need of it. Its effect primarily shown in the stems, planting stage is the time of their implementation.

It is extremely necessary to be aware of the nature of the soil and use fertilizers accordingly so as to enhance the quality of crops. A fine balance of fertilizers and other agrochemical products leads to healthy and successful farming. With several agrochemical stores coming up, access to them has become relatively easy. AgChemACCESS is an online store which sells all varieties of agrochemical products. Customer satisfaction being their main area of concern they aim at delivering supreme quality products.

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