Aquaculture Is The Next Big Thing In Agriculture

 Agriculture is a dynamic industry that has grown immensely since the agrarian revolution. Although many parts of the world are adopting industrialization as compared to agriculture, the growing world population has created huge demand for food leading to greater inventions in this dynamic industry.

There are several types of agricultural practices and the most important one is aquaculture or fish farming.

What is it?

Fish farming is carried out both on the land or on the ocean where marine or fresh water species may grow. Aquaculture refers to rearing, breeding or harvesting of plants and animals in variety of water environments. This farming may take place in ponds, rivers, lakes and in oceans.

From farming of seafood, you get food fish, bait fish, ornamental fish, crustaceans, molluscs, algae, sports fish, sea vegetables and even fish eggs. Sea foods are considered the most nutritious foods that are very important in bodybuilding. Fish farming includes seafood production from shellfish and hatchery fish that are grown to market size. Seafood production also entails production of ornamental fish for aquarium trade as well as growing plant species for pharmaceuticals, nutritional and for production of biotechnological products.

Types of Aquaculture That You Should Know

Aquaculture Is The Next Big Thing In Agriculture

There are two main categories of fish farming depending on the type of water environment that it is carried out. They are marine aquaculture and fresh water aquaculture.

Marine Aquaculture

This aquaculture refers to raring of the species that their livelihood favours the ocean environment. The marine farming basically includes production of oysters, salmon, clams, mussels, yellowtail, seabass, shrimp, barramudi, cod, moi, and seabream.

Farming in this environment may take place in cages, seafloor or in suspended water columns. This type of farming can also be carried out in land using ponds and tanks. Water can be recycled to make the farming easier and cheaper.

Freshwater Aquaculture

Freshwater farming produces species that are natural to lakes, rivers and streams. Their growth is highly dependent on the availability of freshwater bodies. The species that may grow well in this environment include trout, bass and tilapia. This kind of fish farming is very suitable to ponds, tanks and other manmade systems.

Reasons Why Aquaculture Has Gain Momentum In The Recent Years

Aquaculture has gained momentum in most countries in the recent years especially in the United States. It has become the most viable method of producing seafood cheaply and regularly. There is an increasing demand for fresh fish leading to a lot of strain on the natural populations. The following are the real benefits of this form of agriculture.

Sustainability- It is the most sustainable way of producing seafood and help to satisfy the fish demand without exhausting natural stock.

Consistency- It meets the consistent supply of fish in the required quantities meeting the seafood demands.

Economy- This farming is expanding rapidly creating jobs to thousands of unemployed youth as well as being the greatest source of revenue from export market.

Agriculture and especially fish farming is the next big thing in the industry.

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