Agro Economy Attain Productivity Efficiency Through Mechanization

 Mechanized farming along with the usage of hi-tech farm machinery and application of hybrid seeds are changing the agriculture economy of India. Given the fact that levels of mechanized farming in India are low currently, there is a scope to improve level of mechanization. In India , the nature and degree of mechanization varies across crops and regions. Farm machinery and equipment industry comprises of a large number of segments in the organised sector. Tractor industry is one of the major segments and rated as the most capital intensive industries in farm machinery industry with more than ten companies producing it in India. Combine harvesters are another segment of farm machinery which is manufactured in India. State of Punjab occupies a dominant place with more than 87% of the manufacturing units located in the state. They are producing two types of combines; self-propelled and tractor operated.

Agro Economy Attain Productivity Efficiency Through Mechanization

The farm machinery sector also include electric motors, diesel engines, pump sets, power tillers, drip and sprinkler systems and tractor driven implements. Many of these manufacturing units are characterized by subcontracting and ancillary systems ,where small units work for the larger parent units supplying components or performing specific tasks in manufacturing process. Equipment for tillage, sowing, irrigation, plant protection and threshing has been widely accepted by the farmers in India. Drought animal and human power in India will continue to be used, but these are inadequate to ensure timeliness of agricultural operations. Even farmers with small holdings utilize selected improved farm machinery, through custom hiring. The future mechanization strategy may have to be based on agro-ecological diversity and economic disparity of the farmers. The present trend in agricultural mechanization is for high capacity machines to be used on custom hiring and for contractual field operations.

In the farm machinery segment, Rice mechanization, sugarcane mechanization, cotton mechanization, potato mechanization, horticulture mechanization, green house and covered cultivation, drip and micro irrigation are new emerging areas. Along with increasing productivity and expansion of agriculture farming in India, there is a shift in agriculture towards diversification and agri-business; substantial areas are now used for horticultural crops. This will also help to export good quality high value agri-products for better returns to farmers and to earn more foreign exchange. The green house technology offers ample scope for increasing productivity particularly of high value cash crops like exotic fruits, flowers and bio-tech plants.

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