Ruined Rural Economy - For Failures Opposition Part - 19

 Is suicide only option of Mother India's farmers to get rid of present Government Death Trap Debt (DTD)?

On 11 October 2007, once again three more Farmers have succumbed to much hyped Death Trap Debt (DTD) policy of present government. On 17 October 2007, Indian Agricultural Minister spoke not to review the dismal Indian Agro and Farming Sector's (IAFS) devastating effects but opened his mouth to adopt the old Political tricks of policies of Amalgamated Government of Opportunists (AGOP). He has spitted venom against another political party for wheat crisis. What a disgraced attempt of our leaders to justify their failures and level allegations to support wrongs. Truly speaking, the Indian journalist's too lack the vision and analytical power of true facts. Most of the modern journalists are also having Political Party Leanings (PPL) traits thus they write accordingly to suite their mentors.

If our journalists have been following Free and Fair Approach (FAFA), the IAFS would have not suffered so severely? The story of present leadership sharing their concern on bad farming out put seems to a mere gimmick. Infact, Indian Express is losing her creditability as FAFA portal than what it was under Mr Goenka? The story of Prime Minister's views on agro sector carried in Indian Express is more of a political stunt of a defeated man's sly rather than true acceptance of facts. Infact, the present Amalgamated Government of Opportunists Leaders (AGOL) have made sure that Indian farmers have left with no other option than committing Suicide.

Ruined Rural Economy - For Failures Opposition Part - 19

Is it true?

Let us debate and bring out the correct perception of true figures. While Maharashtra Government has gone out of the way to protect and relieve most of the sugar mill owners' interests on one side, the same government is not willing to waive of meager loans of poor farmers. It is all because that most of the sugar mills are owned by the politician and wealthy businessmen including Indian Agricultural Minster Sharad Powar himself as a beneficiary. When Indian people would wake up to eat away such parasite leadership is yet to be seen but today India is at the verge of food grain crisis.

Mr Sharad Powar is plying the Cricket politics of yesteryears with farmers without going into the details of their plight and sufferings.

It is a matter of great indignity for any country, where her farmers, who feed the Nation, have to commit suicide due to bad Government Policies. The readers would agree with me that when ever the Congress has come into power, the

· Capitalists have flourished;

· Political parties coffin abroad have been filled;

· Middle Income Group (MIG) people have been buried under high rising and spiraling prices on one side and increased Taxation on other from salaries;

· Common and Ordinary Man (COM) has suffered maximum;

· Farmers have suffered due to anti Agro policies she has;

· Prices of all commodities have risen sharply that even food grains prices went out of the reach of COM;

· Shooting up market index to attract large investors through what I call is HEIP (Hidden Economic Inflow of Funds) from unknown sources and investors.

· Benefit a select group of people; and

· Siphon off millions of rupees under various Local Development Schemes (LDS). These schemes are the true channels and backbone of all type of misappropriation of funds. Rupees 36000 Crores Prime Minster Relief Package for farmers is glaring example.

· Black marketers have earned millions;

· Crime graph of the country have shot up;

Who is bothered for whom?

I asked this question to myself and went to find out an answer from anyone, everyone and all whomsoever I have met?

· I did not find any intelligentsia, economists, educationists or anyone, bothered for other;

· Found none who cares for poorest;

· Found none who thinks about others;

· Found none who loves anyone other than having sex;

· Found none who worry about you; than

Which Government is worried for which country farmers? Do Indian think that the present bunch of leaders have any sense of commitment towards any citizen?

My dear friends you are sadly mistaken. The present state of bureaucracy in Asian in general and particular in India is so corrupt that one can not even imagine to take out a postmortem report or claim his young sons body from police without paying bribe.

The country of saints and religious people has been corrupted by the present Political leaders hype of hatred and revenge. Maya's mayajaal (magical charm) of words has lured most of the people after totally advocating disrespectful anti ancient Hindu literatures of Vedas.

Lord Krishna Says when people will begin to ignore true values of life, they become Chura ( a person not of any caste but one who exhibited unsocial conduct) and Chammar (a person who worked as skin tanner by deed and not by birth) by deeds then I would again come to destroy the Universe. Truly speaking India is moving towards a greater destruction as visualized by the Lord.

Is it true?

To eradicate farmer's ordeal, when I did not get a satisfactory reply, I further tried to probe Internet Community (IC) which is of opportunists to plunder and rob everyone who mistakenly shares his/her emails. Various programmes of Punjab, Haryana and other States seems to be more or less like mimicry for farmers?

On 16 October 2007, farmers in Maharashtra after being dubbed electrical thieves went to live in blind water wells not only to protest once again Congress led State Government has opened another avenue of death. It seems that privatization is taking the toll of poor peasantry and rural population.

My survey indicates that India is the largest country where maximum number of farmers had committed suicide. Both the States where large numbers of farmers have committed suicide are once again ruled by same party. How does this party despite having un-established every economic sector of country other than industry wins election needs to be reviewed.

What is the real motive of present Government is not known; but certainly in the name of rising Asian Economy; she had entirely destroyed the Indian Agro and Farming Sector (IAFS)? Do the readers agree?

The recent outburst of Indian Agricultural Minister again another political party speaks his concern for farmers. It is the agony for Mother India that her own aborigine progeny would be endangered by none the else than by her own traitors.

Why government should blame her failures to opposition?

I feel that as Government of Pakistan blames India for every accident in their country and vice versa, the present government and her ministers are following the similar tactics to blame opposition. Till Indian media will continue to play irresponsible role of projecting such non concern leaders, over 85% Indian would continue to suffer.

I suggest that all over world the Judiciary needs to review her role what I termed Pro Active Judiciary (PAJ). In such state of situation every Nation's Apex courts such as Supreme Court in India, US and other counties, must take sue motto preventive steps to eradicate social evils and refrain political leaders from exploiting poor masses.

The various steps suggested by judiciary are:-

· One; take sue motto cognizance of all criminal cases against errand leaders;

· Issue directives to regulate right political direction;

· Advise other agencies various positive courses of actions; and

· Check all anti-national and anti-social elements at will.

At last I hope the present government rather than shedding crocodile tears would take constructive steps such as :-

1) Plan to provide undisrupted electric supply;

2) Provide good quality seeds;

3) Provision of fertilizers;

4) Follow my principle of MMF (Move Market to Farmers) rather than FMM (Farmers Moving to Market) to alleviate farmers problems;

5) Remove middlemen;

6) Offer prices on what rate government import food grains;

7) Check political exploitation of masses otherwise judiciary would be wasteful arm of State Machinery.

I hope that readers would share our views and try to comprehend the devastating

effect of poor economic policies which present government had followed towards IAFS. Reader must remember that today a kilogram of peas pulse cost you rupees 100, a kilogram of any pulse over rupees 60 and what not. How can a COM be able to survive is a billion dollar question?

Katkut Agro: Wholesale importer of agricultural products 


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