Ruined Rural Economy - Failed Party and Nation Part - 15

 "Contribution of Congress led ruling alliances is more in Bleeding

the Nation; rather than Building the Nation in last four years"

I feel indebted when I find that the readers world over have expressed sympathy for poor Indian and Asian farmers who have been committing suicide due to bad economic policies of Congress led government which has ruined Indian Agro and Farming Sector (IAFS) in totality. The MM-PC-AS trios Economic Think Tank (ETT) have really not only destroyed the entire agro economy but also embedded last nail on the burying coffin of farmers by importing over 30 lakh tons of food grains. What a reprehensible decision of Indian Agriculture Minister, Mr Sharad Powar, who has added more salt to their already bleeding wounds due to bad and anti-farmers oriented Congress and so called secular opportunist and chair hungry third front. Mr Powar is busier in playing cricket off the field; rather than managing his portfolio as Agricultural Minister of Union of India. Similar policies are also evident in many other countries where poor farmers are forced to commit suicide. A multi millionaire Sharad has no time for poor farmers.

What a pity on the nation of a billion; that they choose irresponsible leaders.

When first time, the Congress led amalgamated government was formed under Mr Man Mohan Singh as Prime Minister and Sri P Chidambaram as Finance Minister, I have predicted that the pace of so-called Economic Reforms in India (ERI), these leaders have conceived with World Bank and Western Economy Development Oriented Model (WEDOM) that Indian Agro and Farming Sector (IAFS) is going to be ruined. I am still firm that as both the leaders have, time and again, reflected the deep embedded influence of WEDOM in their mind, they would ruin India. Who knows it is a well conceived conspiracy to destroy IAFS from grass root level and for which the present government is capable. The contribution of Congress led ruling alliances is more in Bleeding the Nation; rather than Building the Nation in last four years".

Ruined Rural Economy - Failed Party and Nation Part - 15
Ruined Rural Economy - Failed Party and Nation Part - 15

The WEDOM, which encourages capitalism; and discards Social Economic Progressive Model (SEPM) conceived by Sri Jagan Nath as Gram Sarpanch in fifties and implemented in small village of Piplia of erstwhile Nainital (now US Nagar) district of Uttrakhand, is unsuited for Asian Nations. The deep rooted imprint of WEDOM on the minds of MM-PC-AS trios thinking has already drained out lot of blood of poor Indian farmers at Nandigram in West Bengal. The present Khichari (Multiparty) Government of various parties has systematically ruined IAFS in planned manner, which none of them can deny. The crocodile tears of present Congress leadership including her president on continuous suicides of farmers are nothing more than a gimmick. It is a discreditable splotch on our Agricultural Minister's approach in handling such a sensitive issue of farmer's suicide.

How pathetical it is, that the present government is just dumping money to buy suicide? The recent Indian Express report of PM's panel finding faults with the PM's liberal package of rupees 17,000 Crores to alleviate farmers debt problems has infact become a rich harvesting opportunity for corrupt officials. The India TV exposure of distribution of financial assistance to farmers of rupees ten, twenty and above shows the real concern of our leadership. After hearing about reservation in 1948, Sri Ramji Das Mehta said quote "These incompetent, inefficient and stumpy mentality reserved people would rise and occupy most of the top positions in administration, police and various other departments after fifty years; and thereafter downfall and destruction of India would begin" unquote. He was right in his prediction than, which is proving true in every aspect even now what I feel. I too maintain that so called low caste people can meet all the challenges of life in far better way; provided they are educated and grown in better environment. Rising of a slum dweller from a normal citizen to be a collector through quota would certainly make him corrupt which is the truth today.

Why Indian Prime Minister or Finance Minister is so careless towards IAFS growth. Throwing of hundreds of tons of tomatoes in ocean, rotting of similar amount of onions in Maharashtra is of great concern. There is a need to review Indian economic policies which is slowly drifting towards capitalist economy. The present trend of privatization of every second responsibility of government has really shifted the power block from public to businessmen. Today, most of the FM economic policies are guided by Tata's Birla's, Ambani's and Mittal's and not the basic requirement of over 80% poor peasantry's daily needs.

My readers would agree with me that most of the economic policies of Congress led government are to favor 20% of rich people. The sky rocking prices of essential commodities have, by and large, nearly criminalized Indian poors. The Congress has very tactfully filled her party coffin through highly unstable market index. Mahatma's vision of making 80% villages prosperous has gone on deaf ears. The WEDOM influence on Indian ETT can be seen that every economic policy is to benefit Western consumers and not the poor Indians.

The recent decision of Agricultural Minister to Import wheat, sugar and even onion is really a cause of great concern for farmers of Maharashtra, Punjab and Central India. I only perceive the motive of importing over 30 Lakh tons of agro products is nothing beyond the Pandora box of commission, perks and five star treatments.

Why Government of India (GOI) is ready to import wheat which ultimately costs over rupees 1650 per quintal but not ready to pay over rupees 900 per quintal to own farmers. The Common Ordinary Man (COM) plight is beyond once perception. The criminalization of society is at rapid pace. Why ratio of juvenile crimes has risen dramatically needs detailed study; other wise Future of Indian (FOI) would always live under threat of crime.

I would suggest that the GOI should first:

o One; create enough opportunities for farmers to sell the products and not dump over hundreds of tons of tomatoes, potatoes, onions and other food grains in ocean;

o Two, take market to the farmers and not farmers moving to the market;

o Three; ensure every square inch of cultivating land has irrigation system. If irrigation canals do not exit then make a five year plan after fifty years of independence which is still not late;

o Four; ensure high yield verity of native seeds without patent right gimmick of foreigners specially United State of America victimizing tactics of world;

o Five; provide high quality but low cost fertilizers to farmers. In fact, I would suggest that Indian and Asian farmers should follow my husband rule of One-Third Land Cultivation Cycle (OTLCC) of crops. He has invented and successfully practiced. In this method, a farmer divides his entire land mass in to three parts. One piece of land is ready for harvesting, another one third is having natural animal dung and wild grass weeds growing such as Sanai and Dhancha to the height of three to four feet; and one third land piece is being tilted, cultivated and prepared to sow green compost fertilizer seeds. The biggest advantage of this system is that land never losses her fertility as compare to chemical fertilizers.

o Six; remove middle man but use not corrupt but honest officials to buy proceeds;

o Seven; move banks to the villages and not villagers to the bank to avoid corruption and commission of bankers, middlemen and corrupt government officials;

o Eight; encourage co-operative way of harvesting of single variety of crop specialization in a particular state or region such as rice in West Bengal, Assam and South India and so on.

"In fact, every Supreme Court of world must ban all politicians having portfolio to hold any other office so that these elected representatives should do justice with their portfolios"

Though, I have expressed my views but I hope that all these views are neither against and party, leader or government but for the benefit of Indian and Asian farmers and peasantry who mostly live in villages. My endeavor to revive IAFS and compare WEDOM is totally directed to give a new life to Indian farmers. In fact, every Supreme Court of world must ban all politicians having portfolio to hold any other office so that these elected representatives should do justice with their portfolios. The amount of time and political stunts which Mr Powar had played in defeating Mr Birla, if he would have spent even one percent of that, Indian farmers suicide would have been stopped. They are senseless and insensitive because none of their own family member committed suicide. The pain, miseries and unhappiness of grieved family is not seen by Ministers.

Katkut Agro: Wholesale importer of agricultural products 


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