White Coal Project Cheap And Excellent Method For Processing Agro And Forest Residues
The waste disposal is the biggest challenge that every country is experiencing today, and the white coal Project makes the smart and best disposal method by which the farmers can mint the substantial revenue. Every year a lot of agricultural scrap is produced and burnt inefficiently. But you can avoid this by converting it into the white coal (briquettes). White coal is the type of high density and energy concentrated bio-fuel generated via the agro waste or forest waste. Also the production process of the white fuel, i.e., solid briquette does not require any external chemicals or binders to bind the crushed raw material. The ministry of non-conventional energy and government of India have declared a lot of incentives to promote the white coal project. The government has also given depreciation tor the plant and machines in the first year. They have also exempted the entire industry of non-conventional energy resource from getting any license. You can widely use this bio-fuel in ...