Five Fast Developing Industries That Can Expand Our Economies

We are still in the critical years of immense economic change, as new innovative industries are slowly expanding to meet our future needs. What are these industries? And how do we benefit from them? 1. Nano Technology Nano technology is a World where everything we commonly use becomes smaller, from the televisions we watch to the computers we use at home. Currently Nano technology is creating smaller, energy efficient products, and a hive of expanding new mini industries. Bringing new exciting products like the i-phone, to flat screen energy efficient televisions to modern consumers. 2. "Green-tech" Industries The current cooperation between science and business is bringing startling results- despite the disappointing much promised "Green revolution." New energy efficient designs are creating cars that pollute less and use renewable energy, and new forms of efficient public transport. New alternative energies are getting cheaper and much more efficient. Soon we cou...